Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Two Cents on Third Parties

I don't know Mitt Romney.  And I don't know President Obama.  I don't know if I like either one of them.  But what I do know, is that I don't like either of the political parties they align themselves with.  Not because either of those parties are evil, or racist, or even wrong.  But because neither of those parties correspond with my world view.

In this election season, I have seen lots of critiques on both sides.  Romney hates women, Obama is a Socialist. Obama covered up Benghazi.  Romney wants to get rid of PBS.  To me there is a disconnect here.  These are criticisms on such a micro level.  We are concentrating on different interpretations of facts, rather than looking at the macro worldview that shapes these interpretations.

Instead of looking at each candidate's specific words and specific actions or responses, let's look at their beliefs and find the one that most closely matches yours.  If you feel that the purpose of government is to influence and shape the country's morals, impose religious values (even if it's not YOUR religion), support a free market economy, and create a small federal government, then by all means vote for the Republican Representative.  If, however, you feel that the purpose of government is to determine what is best for its country's people, redistribute wealth to create equality, and protect you even at the sacrifice of some of your freedoms - well, then, vote for the Democratic rep, Obama.

However - if neither of these perspectives seem to really hit home for you, for god sakes, consider other  options.

I identify with several groups; I am a Capitalist, a Libertarian, a Secular Humanist, and Agnostic.  I believe in liberty, free-enterprise, and personal responsibility.  I feel that we should take care of ourselves and each other because it is the right thing to do, not because the government says I have to, or because God will grant me eternal life.  I want to live in a country where all individuals are encouraged to choose what they want from life, and to belong to a system which respects individuality. Each individual should control themselves: their body, their action, their speech, and their property.  The role of government is to ensure that his is allowed.

Republicans and Democrats have maintained the status-quo.  It doesn't seem like anyone is happy with either party, but there is a resistance to look to a third party.  People seem to think that voting third party is wasting your vote.  But to me, ignoring the passion of your beliefs, accepting the status quo, and succumbing to the idea that you have to choose the lesser of two evils - now THAT is a wasted vote.  Because no matter who wins, you lose.

Now, I know that it is difficult to make the change.  And you may think that there is so much at stake if the "wrong" candidate wins the election.  But look at the past history of social change - the Revolutionary War (religious freedom), the Civil War (ending slavery),  Womens' Sufferage, Civil Rights - the opportunity for social change is what makes the US so great.  I know we are a few weeks away from an election.  I know you might not think it's a "good time" to prove a point, or to rock the boat.  But tell me, when is a good time for social change?  

And just like all change - it can be uncomfortable and scary.  Change is risky, for sure.  Some people might get hurt, some people may have to make great sacrifices.  But, I find it risky to maintain the status quo.  To keep doing what we are doing.  To keep settling for what we've always known.  Let's take a chance.

This election, I'm not voting for the least of the evils out there.  I'm voting for the candidate that most closely represents what I feel government should stand for.  I'm voting for the candidate that most closely represents me.  I'm voting third party.

What do you feel the purpose of government is?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Can I Get a Mulligan?

For those of you who know me, you know that I am not what you might call a "morning person".  And as of the last few years, I'm not really a "night person" any more either.  I like my sleep - and apparently, after the events of this day, I NEED my sleep.  I need a do-over.

I had to be up early this morning for a work trip to Sioux Falls, SD.  That's an 8.5 hour drive, round trip.  So, 4:45am this morning, WEEOOO WEEOOO, AAAOOOOGAAA!  Ok, so my alarm is not really that alarming, but I didn't handle it well.  I started with the morning-math: "Even though I estimated the trip at 4.25 hours, I bet it was an overestimation, and one snooze won't make a difference."  Then came the bargaining...."I could take a shower, but skip washing my hair - that might save 10 minutes." Finally - acceptance.  I dragged my ass to the shower - shampooed my hair and everything.

Out of the shower I pick up my phone to check the time.  I realize I had a missed text message sent to me in the middle of the night.  And not just any text.  It was an Ex-Text...(cue scary music: dum dum dum!)  A text message from a guy I dated for approximately 4 minutes last winter.  A guy I broke it off with because he was legitimately cuckoo for cocoa puffs (What?  That's his actual diagnosis.)  A guy I have not seen in about 5 months, nor have I initiated contact with him.  So, the Ex-Text from this morning was really 3 texts long, and basically told me that he wouldn't allow me to stand in his way of realizing his own potential.  Um, what?  I haven't even talked to you in months - I'm not even sure how I could be MORE out of the way.  If anyone has any tips on how to stop interfering with someone I don't communicate with, I'm all ears!  Anyway...delete...and on my way out the door.

This day definitely calls for high levels of caffeine.  Little did I know that an early-morning visit to the local coffee shop would result in the Great Caribou Coffee Inquisition of 2012.  As soon as I walked in the door at 5:36am, I was pelted with happy questions, demanding responses.  "How is your morning? Would you like a pumpkin spice latte? What would you like?  Do you come to this store often?  Why not?  Do you like Burnsville?  Why are you going to Sioux Falls, cuz my parents live there?  Would you like a muffinbreakfastsandwichpoundofcoffee?  Are you sure?  What do you do for a living? Did you want to try to trivia question? What is your social security number?"  Ok, I made that last one up.  I did actually escape with my identity, my dignity, and the claim to my first born child (But, based on my love-life over the past 5 years or so, the joke would have been on them!).

Fast forward through a boring drive and some regular work activities...

Sitting in my car in the parking lot, on the phone, when suddenly, a jolt.  The older gentleman behind me driving one of those white half-van-half-bus numbers back right into me.  AND DENIES IT.  He said there's no way he backed into me - he didn't feel anything.  He wouldn't give me his insurance informaiton because he didn't see any damage!  So, the Sioux Falls Police Department is called and two officers show up.  Officer Winkel looked over my car and "determined" that there was no damage.  I politely said, "With all due respect, Officer Winkel, I'm sure you are an upstanding police officer, but I don't believe you are an auto mechanic."  He ended up filing an incident report, but still wouldn't make the guy give me his insurance info.

So, the cherry on top - I also got a speeding ticket on the way home.  Granted, by then I was a zombie, so it was deserved.  Who gets involved with the cops twice in one day???

This reminds me of when I lived in Uptown and my car got towed twice in one week.

So, I'm planning on snuggling in tonight, watching the debates, going to bed early, and starting over with a brand new sun-shiny day - tomorrow.  Unless....someone wants to give me a mulligan on today....?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Personal Rebuild

Ahhh....my very first blog post.  Kinda nervous.  

I tend to have a habit of getting super amped about a new project, going all gung-ho and then fizzling to a hard stop.  Let's see...scrapbooking, knitting, beading, selling jewelry, buying a new car, learning to play guitar, crock-pot cooking, redecorating - to name a few.  I'm hoping blogging doesn't go the way of the dodo.

I'm at a turning point in my life though, and I feel the need to not only document, but share my journey.     My Facebook post from August 24, 2012: "Today is the groundbreaking day of my personal rebuild. Determined to live my life by intention rather than default. To face my flaws and embrace my strengths. To know that the past may have made me who I am, but it will not determine who I become. [Who's comin' with me??? -(Jerry Maguire Style)]"

The framework within which I perceive myself has suddenly been rocked.  Or maybe it was a gradual turn of events - so slow I never even noticed.  Either way, I'm a different person than I was a year ago.  At least different from how I perceived myself. I'm feeling confident in myself.  I'm feeling independent. Strong.  In control.  Inspired.  I'm not letting things happen to me.  I'm making them happen.  

I refer to versions of myself, because at any time in our lives, I think we all can recall a perception of a different version of ourselves.  In my younger years, as the oldest child of three, I remember the bully-and-button-pusher version.  In high school, the quiet-academic-observer version.  In college - well, let's see...we have the sleeping-in version, the quarter-taps version, and the take-way-too-long-to-graduate version.  Then later on came the first-time-on-my own version, followed by the professional-online-dater version.  Eventually it became depressed-in-a-go-nowhere-relationship version.  Which leads us to today - the on-my-way-to-the-life-I-want-to live version.  

I'm participating in a 90-Day Challenge to lose 40 pounds.  For the most part, I do pretty well with the nutrition plan.  It's the work-outs that seem to be lacking motivation.  But, lately, I've had some pretty incredible inspiration.  My friend, Erin, has been diligently training for a 10-miler.  Ang has been training for a marathon.  And last Saturday evening, I was there at the finish line to witness my dear, sweet friend Jason complete his third 100 mile Ultra-Marathon.  Amazeballs.  Now - if only I could find a work-out buddy to keep me honest and on track.  Any takers??

Any support I can get from my friends and readers is greatly appreciated.  I've said it before, but I'm saying it again, here, officially.  So much in life is possible if you don't expect it to be easy.  Carry on.