Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Two Cents on Third Parties

I don't know Mitt Romney.  And I don't know President Obama.  I don't know if I like either one of them.  But what I do know, is that I don't like either of the political parties they align themselves with.  Not because either of those parties are evil, or racist, or even wrong.  But because neither of those parties correspond with my world view.

In this election season, I have seen lots of critiques on both sides.  Romney hates women, Obama is a Socialist. Obama covered up Benghazi.  Romney wants to get rid of PBS.  To me there is a disconnect here.  These are criticisms on such a micro level.  We are concentrating on different interpretations of facts, rather than looking at the macro worldview that shapes these interpretations.

Instead of looking at each candidate's specific words and specific actions or responses, let's look at their beliefs and find the one that most closely matches yours.  If you feel that the purpose of government is to influence and shape the country's morals, impose religious values (even if it's not YOUR religion), support a free market economy, and create a small federal government, then by all means vote for the Republican Representative.  If, however, you feel that the purpose of government is to determine what is best for its country's people, redistribute wealth to create equality, and protect you even at the sacrifice of some of your freedoms - well, then, vote for the Democratic rep, Obama.

However - if neither of these perspectives seem to really hit home for you, for god sakes, consider other  options.

I identify with several groups; I am a Capitalist, a Libertarian, a Secular Humanist, and Agnostic.  I believe in liberty, free-enterprise, and personal responsibility.  I feel that we should take care of ourselves and each other because it is the right thing to do, not because the government says I have to, or because God will grant me eternal life.  I want to live in a country where all individuals are encouraged to choose what they want from life, and to belong to a system which respects individuality. Each individual should control themselves: their body, their action, their speech, and their property.  The role of government is to ensure that his is allowed.

Republicans and Democrats have maintained the status-quo.  It doesn't seem like anyone is happy with either party, but there is a resistance to look to a third party.  People seem to think that voting third party is wasting your vote.  But to me, ignoring the passion of your beliefs, accepting the status quo, and succumbing to the idea that you have to choose the lesser of two evils - now THAT is a wasted vote.  Because no matter who wins, you lose.

Now, I know that it is difficult to make the change.  And you may think that there is so much at stake if the "wrong" candidate wins the election.  But look at the past history of social change - the Revolutionary War (religious freedom), the Civil War (ending slavery),  Womens' Sufferage, Civil Rights - the opportunity for social change is what makes the US so great.  I know we are a few weeks away from an election.  I know you might not think it's a "good time" to prove a point, or to rock the boat.  But tell me, when is a good time for social change?  

And just like all change - it can be uncomfortable and scary.  Change is risky, for sure.  Some people might get hurt, some people may have to make great sacrifices.  But, I find it risky to maintain the status quo.  To keep doing what we are doing.  To keep settling for what we've always known.  Let's take a chance.

This election, I'm not voting for the least of the evils out there.  I'm voting for the candidate that most closely represents what I feel government should stand for.  I'm voting for the candidate that most closely represents me.  I'm voting third party.

What do you feel the purpose of government is?

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