Thursday, September 13, 2012

Personal Rebuild very first blog post.  Kinda nervous.  

I tend to have a habit of getting super amped about a new project, going all gung-ho and then fizzling to a hard stop.  Let's see...scrapbooking, knitting, beading, selling jewelry, buying a new car, learning to play guitar, crock-pot cooking, redecorating - to name a few.  I'm hoping blogging doesn't go the way of the dodo.

I'm at a turning point in my life though, and I feel the need to not only document, but share my journey.     My Facebook post from August 24, 2012: "Today is the groundbreaking day of my personal rebuild. Determined to live my life by intention rather than default. To face my flaws and embrace my strengths. To know that the past may have made me who I am, but it will not determine who I become. [Who's comin' with me??? -(Jerry Maguire Style)]"

The framework within which I perceive myself has suddenly been rocked.  Or maybe it was a gradual turn of events - so slow I never even noticed.  Either way, I'm a different person than I was a year ago.  At least different from how I perceived myself. I'm feeling confident in myself.  I'm feeling independent. Strong.  In control.  Inspired.  I'm not letting things happen to me.  I'm making them happen.  

I refer to versions of myself, because at any time in our lives, I think we all can recall a perception of a different version of ourselves.  In my younger years, as the oldest child of three, I remember the bully-and-button-pusher version.  In high school, the quiet-academic-observer version.  In college - well, let's see...we have the sleeping-in version, the quarter-taps version, and the take-way-too-long-to-graduate version.  Then later on came the first-time-on-my own version, followed by the professional-online-dater version.  Eventually it became depressed-in-a-go-nowhere-relationship version.  Which leads us to today - the on-my-way-to-the-life-I-want-to live version.  

I'm participating in a 90-Day Challenge to lose 40 pounds.  For the most part, I do pretty well with the nutrition plan.  It's the work-outs that seem to be lacking motivation.  But, lately, I've had some pretty incredible inspiration.  My friend, Erin, has been diligently training for a 10-miler.  Ang has been training for a marathon.  And last Saturday evening, I was there at the finish line to witness my dear, sweet friend Jason complete his third 100 mile Ultra-Marathon.  Amazeballs.  Now - if only I could find a work-out buddy to keep me honest and on track.  Any takers??

Any support I can get from my friends and readers is greatly appreciated.  I've said it before, but I'm saying it again, here, officially.  So much in life is possible if you don't expect it to be easy.  Carry on.  


  1. You honestly are a talented writer and I'm looking forward to reading about this next version of "you"!

    I'm adding you as a link on my blog. So your traffic should increase by.... ok, maybe one, in a year or so. :)

    Notice that I'm the only one commenting on your blog, but a lot of people "liked" and commented on your facebook status. You'll have a lot more followers than you think!

  2. I would love to work out with you! We should pick a day and time and go with it. If you're free Thursday nights, you should join my tap dance class. It's a lot of fun anf a great leg workout!
